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Missing Boost Sled, need it found.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
My 2022 Starfire Matryx Slash Boost 2.75 x 165 sled is missing. Am I missing anything from the fancy name they gave it?
  1. It missed arriving at my dealership in October like 14 of my previous snowchecks did.
  2. It missed arriving at my dealer the first week of November like 2 of my snowchecks have in the past.
  3. It missed shipping to my dealer by the Dec 15 date the first email from Polaris indicated.
  4. It missed being shipped from Polaris by the Dec 15, 2021 date indicated in the second email from Polaris.
  5. It missed being shipped between Dec 15 and Dec 31, 2021 which was the new date range the Polaris email indicated.
  6. It missed getting built in 2021.
  7. I called Jan 4, 2022 and it still hasn't been built so it looks like it missed being built so far in 2022.
On my call today with Polaris support, they told me it should be going to a distribution center sometime in January and how sorry they are that they missed the last timeline. How hard is it for Polaris to be a little more honest with us customers? They sure did their best to reassure us at snowcheck time that they had learned from the challenges with the supply chain last season, and they are going to be "BETTER" this year. If they thought there was a chance we might not see our snowcheck before the end of January just tell us that right away instead of feeding us all the targets that they've failed to meet.
I know I'm growing tired of this just 2 more weeks crap they've been feeding me. Had they told me not to expect to see my sled until the end of January or February back when the first email came out or even in November when the second one came I would have made some other plans, but when they keep indicating it will be just a couple more weeks I mistakenly believed them. Listen to the first 3.5 minutes of the 2022 snowcheck video. The "Karen" here is now Polaris.

Feb 25, 2018
Same with me. I call my dealer and Polaris today and they have no update on my sled. Just that it has been built. Mine was the dec 15 date and then dec 15-31.

turboless terry

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Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Mine is missing but it does no good to call dealer because there is nothing they can do other than give your money back. Guaranteed it does no good to call polaris either. Just going to be what it is going to be. Three options
Get money back
Buy a different sled


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Without reading the fine print of the snow check contract which is likely in Polaris' favor. I'd still say wait and stick with Polaris. Their suppliers have commitments to meet and a financial stake in the game as well. I bet those currently missing sleds are no worse off than out some riding time. May come out ahead at the end of the day if Polaris acknowledges the disruption to your season or missing it entirely.


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Apr 23, 2012
In the video at around 2:47 he said, "Thank you for keeping the faith."

I wonder what he'll say in the next snow check video? "I was just kidding suckers!"


Well-known member
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Aug 18, 2009
boise idaho
I think in the spring there was optimism that the supply chain would improve, it got worse, people are quitting jobs in record numbers, there is a truck driver shortage.

Bitching about it isnt gonna fix anything

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Well-known member
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Nov 28, 2007
I think one option that Polaris could take to try to smooth things over would be to offer the following compensation based on the fact that many of us will not even get to ride their new sled this season and it doesn't seem right to have to shell out $26,640 Canadian for a sled in mid February and not get to ride it until November or December. The situation they are putting us in right now would be similar to paying full pop for your snowcheck in March but instead of getting the new 2023 sled with refinements after the first year, they give you the 2022 holdover sled you ordered a year ago. Polaris needs to step up and share some of the pain.
  1. discount the price to reflect what holdovers normally go for.
  2. add a full year to the warranty period.
  3. allow you to retain your snowcheck by leaving it at the dealership until November 2022 without the customer or the dealership having to pay for the sled until mid November of 2022.
  4. At that point the dealer can assemble it, have the customer pay for it and begin the warranty.
  5. Throw in a couple jugs of oil and spare drive and quickdrive belts.
  6. Remember, you just paid full retail for a holdover sled and won't get to ride it for 9 months.


Forum Expert
Lifetime Membership
Aug 28, 2013
Snohomish, WA
I'm starting to think they built sleds for people they recognized first. As in people who are habitual buyers. I have both mine. I have bought a new sled every year since I switched to Polaris and bought 2 this year. Everyone else I know that gets a sled every year or every other years seems to have theirs now. I do know that Burandt has NOT gotten either of his sleds yet. They are running Axys as their rentals right now.


Well-known member
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Feb 1, 2010
This is classic. Ballsy comments, recognizes they couldn't figure it out last year, and is a total ass-hat now. Really bad PR. At least doo and cat kept their pie holes shut.

Reality is, lots of peeps are not gonna get their snowcheck till March. 146 crews are may get hosed the worst. May - as in, the way this is sliding, they could end up cancelling some deliveries. There are still ~100 ships off the coast of CA, Brandon has done squat.

Poo is a publicly traded company. Expectations should be very low for any remediation. Doesn't mean they shouldn't, but won't. Willy Wonka, he ain't.


Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
Don’t worry about it, you’re not missing anything. They feel Yamaha Heavy and Tunnel cut-clutched and suspensioned Axys perform just as well. Polaris listened and threw in the towel to save face.

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I'm starting to think they built sleds for people they recognized first. As in people who are habitual buyers. I have both mine. I have bought a new sled every year since I switched to Polaris and bought 2 this year. Everyone else I know that gets a sled every year or every other years seems to have theirs now. I do know that Burandt has NOT gotten either of his sleds yet. They are running Axys as their rentals right now.
So you have more pull than burandt?


Forum Expert
Lifetime Membership
Aug 28, 2013
Snohomish, WA
So you have more pull than burandt?
No. Polaris just knows that Burandt doesn't go around all day and talk about his "wife's" stupid sled because she decides where the money is spent in the household and isn't going to cry like a forum Karen when he doesn't get his sled. He's taking one for the team. I have no pull just lots of good Karma since I'm such an amazing life coach. Just ask RBalas or JVB on here ?
Dec 18, 2007
Cranbrook BC
I'm starting to think they built sleds for people they recognized first. As in people who are habitual buyers. I have both mine. I have bought a new sled every year since I switched to Polaris and bought 2 this year. Everyone else I know that gets a sled every year or every other years seems to have theirs now. I do know that Burandt has NOT gotten either of his sleds yet. They are running Axys as their rentals right now.
I’ve snow checked 6 Polaris sleds in the last 8 years and still no boost for me. Also my dealer has seen 1 of their 10-12 and another local and way less reputable dealer has 9 of his 10-12. I want Polaris to explain to me how the F the order the sleds are being built in.


Well-known member
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Aug 18, 2009
boise idaho
I'm starting to think they built sleds for people they recognized first. As in people who are habitual buyers. I have both mine. I have bought a new sled every year since I switched to Polaris and bought 2 this year. Everyone else I know that gets a sled every year or every other years seems to have theirs now. I do know that Burandt has NOT gotten either of his sleds yet. They are running Axys as their rentals right now.
Naw, Stephan Darcy had to have a local dealer find him a sled because his werent coming til later, Jack Struthers NA sled wasnt scheduled to be here til feb. Same with one of Carls sales guys that is pretty well known. Luck of the draw

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Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 8, 2010
I think one option that Polaris could take to try to smooth things over would be to offer the following compensation based on the fact that many of us will not even get to ride their new sled this season and it doesn't seem right to have to shell out $26,640 Canadian for a sled in mid February and not get to ride it until November or December. The situation they are putting us in right now would be similar to paying full pop for your snowcheck in March but instead of getting the new 2023 sled with refinements after the first year, they give you the 2022 holdover sled you ordered a year ago. Polaris needs to step up and share some of the pain.
  1. discount the price to reflect what holdovers normally go for.
  2. add a full year to the warranty period.
  3. allow you to retain your snowcheck by leaving it at the dealership until November 2022 without the customer or the dealership having to pay for the sled until mid November of 2022.
  4. At that point the dealer can assemble it, have the customer pay for it and begin the warranty.
  5. Throw in a couple jugs of oil and spare drive and quickdrive belts.
  6. Remember, you just paid full retail for a holdover sled and won't get to ride it for 9 months.
They’ll probably send out $1000 golden tickets for the 2023s that will cost $2000 more than the 2022s.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
I'm starting to think they built sleds for people they recognized first. As in people who are habitual buyers. I have both mine. I have bought a new sled every year since I switched to Polaris and bought 2 this year. Everyone else I know that gets a sled every year or every other years seems to have theirs now. I do know that Burandt has NOT gotten either of his sleds yet. They are running Axys as their rentals right now.
I wish that was true but it isn't, I've snowchecked new sleds every year since 2011 with the exception of 2021. I also snowchecked in 93,95,97,99,2002 then ran custom builds between 2005 and 2010 because the Polaris mountain segment sucked. One of my buddies has never snowchecked in his life and already has both his 165 khaos and his 165 boost.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 10, 2008
Northwest IA
I think one option that Polaris could take to try to smooth things over would be to offer the following compensation based on the fact that many of us will not even get to ride their new sled this season and it doesn't seem right to have to shell out $26,640 Canadian for a sled in mid February and not get to ride it until November or December. The situation they are putting us in right now would be similar to paying full pop for your snowcheck in March but instead of getting the new 2023 sled with refinements after the first year, they give you the 2022 holdover sled you ordered a year ago. Polaris needs to step up and share some of the pain.
  1. discount the price to reflect what holdovers normally go for.
  2. add a full year to the warranty period.
  3. allow you to retain your snowcheck by leaving it at the dealership until November 2022 without the customer or the dealership having to pay for the sled until mid November of 2022.
  4. At that point the dealer can assemble it, have the customer pay for it and begin the warranty.
  5. Throw in a couple jugs of oil and spare drive and quickdrive belts.
  6. Remember, you just paid full retail for a holdover sled and won't get to ride it for 9 months.

The warranty doesn’t start until the dealer processes the paperwork. So you will still get a full two years of warranty. I picked mine up Dec 23 and then got an email on Dec 27 from Polaris saying the sled was registered and that the warranty goes until Dec 27, 2023

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Dec 15, 2020
I'm starting to think they built sleds for people they recognized first. As in people who are habitual buyers. I have both mine. I have bought a new sled every year since I switched to Polaris and bought 2 this year. Everyone else I know that gets a sled every year or every other years seems to have theirs now. I do know that Burandt has NOT gotten either of his sleds yet. They are running Axys as their rentals right now.
Maybe favorite dealers not customers??
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