First off, thanks to those that have been patient during this issue. This is not a time to point finger at who's to blame. We acknowledge that we make a problem worse with our relocation of the oil separator. This problem was exaggerated in 2015 with the added oil levels over the 2014.
We've had a TON of input on how to fix this problem. The final result is something that we know will work in nearly every situation. Rushing to a fix that was not fully tested across all conditions could have resulted in just a band aid. After engineering a legitimate fix, we proceeded to test the solution in the shop at extremes that could never be duplicated in the field. Then we moved to field testing to confirm the results. Thanks for all the help from several dealer's and customers that have been willing to try different ideas to help us get to this point.
1-How's the fix being handled?
As of today we've shipped several kits out. These kits are being shipped to your dealer that you bought your turbo kit from. This is only being done in the US (because I know who and how many kits were shipped). For Canada I'm shipping a batch into BC and will have more details on how they will be distributed throughout Canada. If getting this from your dealer is going to be a problem then email me @ for options.
2-Do I need the fix?
If you ride your sled in the mountains? YES. Then you need a retro fit kit.
3-What is the fix?
We've designed a fitting to return the oil from the separator back to the motor and NOT back to the oil tank. This will eliminate the oil from dumping out of the oil tank through the vent on the separator. This allows the separator to still function as it was intended. It includes a plug for the oil tank hose and all the clamps you'll need.
4-Is it hard to install? Does my dealer need to do it?
The install instructions will be available on our website. . This is not very hard to complete. If you can change the oil on your sled you could complete this retro fit kit. If you don't fill comfortable doing this, then your might want to get with the dealer that installed the turbo kit. The muffler comes off (3 bolts), 1 oil line is rerouted to the mag cover, and 1 line is plugged off (bottom of oil tank). That's it. Suggestion are included to avoid even draining your oil.
5-Does this need to be done on trail sleds? Can you do it to a trail sled?
No. This problem only flares up on mountain sleds. Trail sleds can use the same retro fit but are not being shipped to the dealers as retro fit kits at this point. If you feel that you need one on you trail kit, email me.
We've had a TON of input on how to fix this problem. The final result is something that we know will work in nearly every situation. Rushing to a fix that was not fully tested across all conditions could have resulted in just a band aid. After engineering a legitimate fix, we proceeded to test the solution in the shop at extremes that could never be duplicated in the field. Then we moved to field testing to confirm the results. Thanks for all the help from several dealer's and customers that have been willing to try different ideas to help us get to this point.
1-How's the fix being handled?
As of today we've shipped several kits out. These kits are being shipped to your dealer that you bought your turbo kit from. This is only being done in the US (because I know who and how many kits were shipped). For Canada I'm shipping a batch into BC and will have more details on how they will be distributed throughout Canada. If getting this from your dealer is going to be a problem then email me @ for options.
2-Do I need the fix?
If you ride your sled in the mountains? YES. Then you need a retro fit kit.
3-What is the fix?
We've designed a fitting to return the oil from the separator back to the motor and NOT back to the oil tank. This will eliminate the oil from dumping out of the oil tank through the vent on the separator. This allows the separator to still function as it was intended. It includes a plug for the oil tank hose and all the clamps you'll need.
4-Is it hard to install? Does my dealer need to do it?
The install instructions will be available on our website. . This is not very hard to complete. If you can change the oil on your sled you could complete this retro fit kit. If you don't fill comfortable doing this, then your might want to get with the dealer that installed the turbo kit. The muffler comes off (3 bolts), 1 oil line is rerouted to the mag cover, and 1 line is plugged off (bottom of oil tank). That's it. Suggestion are included to avoid even draining your oil.
5-Does this need to be done on trail sleds? Can you do it to a trail sled?
No. This problem only flares up on mountain sleds. Trail sleds can use the same retro fit but are not being shipped to the dealers as retro fit kits at this point. If you feel that you need one on you trail kit, email me.
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