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For those of you that think Obama is an upstanding guy read this!

time for a change fellas. just because every other president did it does not mean oprah had to....I mean obama, sorry. after all, how many other presidents open with a piece in the muslim nation.

so the new policy will be to hang with the celebrities not some group of schmucks who fought for our country........c'mon, give a little.

times, they are a changing.

100% of what I wrote was in jest. this is a pretty serious oversight for a guy who's job is to oversee everything.


Well-known member
She could eat corn-on-the-cob through a picket fence.....LOL

Oh my hell that is funny! LMFAO!

...and I like this blog...even though the dude can't spell worth sh*t:

For the past 57 years EVERY PRESIDENT has made it to this ball. These are the people who have made it possible for you to be typing your inane and insipid thoughts here and who have made it possible for you as well as the MSM to make every blunder of this fraud someone else's fault.

You will forgive everything this person does because you have been brain washed not to think that "The One" can't make any mistake, and when he does, its not a mistake its "change", and if the "change" is wrong it must be right wing conspiracy nuts.

Try actually thinking for yourself hon, no matter how much it hurts. This Obamanation cares nothing for the country, the Constitution, nor your civil rights, he is out to party until the country falls apart and spend your money, like its a blank check.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
SaVaGe, MiNnEsOtA
...and check out his wife's teeth in this pic! LMFAO!!!!!!


...and some people on here don't like that I will never salute that POS....NOW I AM ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED I WILL NEVER SALUTE HIM! NEVER!!!!!

hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahah right:face-icon-small-win
I didnt even look at the link it will probably just get me :mad: I was laughing at the title Obama Upstanding ha Okay im done now:D

Snow Fox

For those of you that... 01-30-2009 08:54 PM What a POS!

Yet another unsigned Red Rep...........and you call me a POS. If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. Now go crawl back into the hole you came from Coward.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 10, 2007
Denver, CO
I can't think of a ball that would be worth more attending! What do we expect here? He showed us his character and where his allegiance lies for a long time now and yet the majority voted him in.

Now bring on the unsigned reds!


Well-known member
Yet another unsigned Red Rep...........and you call me a POS. If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. Now go crawl back into the hole you came from Coward.

....and a red rep for a thread like this! I would be embarrassed to be an Obama supporter! He is a disgrace! I can't even stand seeing him on TV....he makes me sick! ILL! I have to turn my head! Give me some red reps A$$E$! Bring it!
Jan 17, 2008
Anyone who does NOT like Obama is showing his or her true colors. No doubt about that. The true colors of a Real American like myself. That no good Bas...rd and his followers are destroying this country. Anyone who approves of Obama is an Enemy of this country and an enemy of mine.

Vietnam Veteran
173rd Airborne Brigade
Old as Hell :D


Well-known member
Anyone who does NOT like Obama is showing his or her true colors. No doubt about that. The true colors of a Real American like myself. That no good Bas...rd and his followers are destroying this country. Anyone who approves of Obama is an Enemy of this country and an enemy of mine.

Vietnam Veteran
173rd Airborne Brigade
Old as Hell :D

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