Don't they already control the medical care for anyone over 65....alot of disabled on federal programs, military and govt I'm guessing about 1/3 of of the population?
I'm not sticking up for this in any way.....I like to play the devils advocate and throw out questions and comments to get people thinking. Most people are dead set against ANY plan, without knowing what it is about....that's just ignorant.
We depend on our govt for alot of things....that's why they are there, but I think we need less govt involvement in health care, not more. But right now the insurance and drug companies are the big players in healthcare and I'm thinking they are just as corrupt as govt if not more.....but we can't vote them out of we don't like the direction they are taking us.
Does the constitution really say anything about health care ?....I honestly dont' know....I'm asking.
Ready for this...........
Medicaid, medicare, Social Security, Welfare, Federal Land (Forest service and BLM), State Highway funds, No child left behind, Gun control laws, The list goes on and on are all UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
All of those programs were put in place by the feds in direct violation of the US Constitution. However, most of those plans were put in place during one emergency or another and all were put in place by dems. It has pushed this country towards Socialism.
You want to change the medical industry?
I mean REALLY change it.
First, tort reform. You have GOT to get lawyers out of the equation. Doctors are SO scared of law suits that they do a chingo of extra and expensive tests to cover their azzes.
Second, hold drug companies accountable by allowing US distributors to import and sell drugs from other countries. Why buy the drugs for 50 dollars here when I can import the exact same drug from a distributor in Europe for 20 dollars.
Third, no illegal shall receive medical care unless they are turned over to ICE for deportation. That would ensure that only illegals with an actual emergency problem goes to the emergency room. Currently we spend BILLIONS on health care for illegals since they use the emergency room for everything from actual emergencies to their kid has the sniffles.
Fourth, allow people to opt out of medicare, medicaid, Social Security and welfare. Give the choice back to the people. Break the pyrimid scheme and end the out of control social programs. My paycheck out go up 400 dollars a check by not having my money stolen by the feds. I can put that money in an account and save for my own future.
Those 4 things right there are cost neutral.
Those 4 things would lower the costs a lot.