---originally posted by christopher---
Now that you have read and familiarized yourself with the underlying policy as to why posts have been MOVED or DELETED, allow me to expand a little on this theme.
For the last several months now SnoWest has put up with these repetitive posts attacking the forums, the management, the moderators, the policies, ect ect..
We have seen and read the same thing from the same people again and again. We have replied and addressed as many of these Complaints/Whines as possible, but the same people simply will not let go, and continue on with their attacks day after week after month. At some point there comes a time when you say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". That point was reached this week.
Let me offer a little perspective on whats going on here, just so we can keep this relative to the big picture.
As of this moment, we have Thirty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred and Two members on SnoWest.
(Of those perhaps 1/10th of 1 percent are the seriously disgruntled who are the source of this trouble.)
As of this moment, we have One Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Seventy Five threads on SnoWest
(with over 1.75 million posts)
Of those, we have removed 93 total posts from the forum in compliance with the above policy.
That ads up to a mind-blowing 0.0005%
That leaves 99.9995% of the threads and posts on SnoWest untouched and unaffected by this.
And for this, our Moderators have been labeled as Nazis, using Storm Trooper Tactics by the very same people who are causing all the problems.
To those of you who have been waging this war I offer you three clear alternatives.
#1. End your campaign and once again start enjoying the purpose of this forum which was Snowmobiling.
#2. Continue on and see all your posts removed, and your account(s) closed.
#3. Leave and allow SnoWest and the other 99.9% of our members to get back to Snowmobiling.
Snowbunny chasers response!
OK, now let us know out of those 37,902 members how many have logged in for the past 6 months. and out of all those threads let us know the ratio of how many post and threads there were before you showed up. i don't think it is fair for you to include any other thread except for fouled plug to be in those stats. I don't think anyone is going to get banned for giving there opinion on how to rebuild an old indy 650, but only on fouled plug will they gat banned or have there thread pulled for giving there opinion on a companies warrenty. christopher, you are taking credit for all those numbers but the powers to be that were before you paved that road.
Now that you have read and familiarized yourself with the underlying policy as to why posts have been MOVED or DELETED, allow me to expand a little on this theme.
For the last several months now SnoWest has put up with these repetitive posts attacking the forums, the management, the moderators, the policies, ect ect..
We have seen and read the same thing from the same people again and again. We have replied and addressed as many of these Complaints/Whines as possible, but the same people simply will not let go, and continue on with their attacks day after week after month. At some point there comes a time when you say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". That point was reached this week.
Let me offer a little perspective on whats going on here, just so we can keep this relative to the big picture.
As of this moment, we have Thirty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred and Two members on SnoWest.
(Of those perhaps 1/10th of 1 percent are the seriously disgruntled who are the source of this trouble.)
As of this moment, we have One Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Seventy Five threads on SnoWest
(with over 1.75 million posts)
Of those, we have removed 93 total posts from the forum in compliance with the above policy.
That ads up to a mind-blowing 0.0005%
That leaves 99.9995% of the threads and posts on SnoWest untouched and unaffected by this.
And for this, our Moderators have been labeled as Nazis, using Storm Trooper Tactics by the very same people who are causing all the problems.
To those of you who have been waging this war I offer you three clear alternatives.
#1. End your campaign and once again start enjoying the purpose of this forum which was Snowmobiling.
#2. Continue on and see all your posts removed, and your account(s) closed.
#3. Leave and allow SnoWest and the other 99.9% of our members to get back to Snowmobiling.
Snowbunny chasers response!
OK, now let us know out of those 37,902 members how many have logged in for the past 6 months. and out of all those threads let us know the ratio of how many post and threads there were before you showed up. i don't think it is fair for you to include any other thread except for fouled plug to be in those stats. I don't think anyone is going to get banned for giving there opinion on how to rebuild an old indy 650, but only on fouled plug will they gat banned or have there thread pulled for giving there opinion on a companies warrenty. christopher, you are taking credit for all those numbers but the powers to be that were before you paved that road.
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