The goal of the anti sled groups was never to cut pollution but to eliminate snowmobiling altogether. The pollution of snowmobiles is like to spotted owl to logging. Unforunately for the anti's the cleaner sleds somewhat back fired. After we cleaned the sleds up, it took alot of ammo from the anti's for the fight. It is very obvious that they have beaten us with persistence. This recent dropping of the numbers down to 318 is the perfect example. In the Jackson paper they claim that we should be happy because this number is still higher than the daily average. Nowhere did the author acknowledge that it takes high and low days to create an average. Due to differn't sized families and groups it is impossible to meet the average and be 100% full every day. Next years average will be lucky to be in the high 200's although the demand is there for 5 times that number. Next year there will be an article stating that the average went down from the year before so maybe we don't really need snowmobiles in the park. See how they work. I just got back from the outfitter meeting this morning in Jackson and learned each Yellowstone outfitters is only allowed 9 sleds per day. This is barely enough to even sustain a tour business. Along with that the concessioneers in Yellowstone have to run the gas stations and restaurants for such a small number of people. If they want to be there in the summer they have to operate in the winter. Basically the whole economic viability of Yellowstone has been destroyed over the last 10 years, including West Yellowstone. At this point the agrument is almost rediculous. It's ok for a snowcoach visitor, but the one who prefers the open air is not ok. You could argue sleds are cleaner than the coaches, although we all know this is not about pollution. The anti's want sleds out. They hate us dirty stinkin greasy redneck sledders. I think a discrimination lawsuit is more suited at this point. I'm very frustrated. We better be ready to defend ourselves these next four years. I believe the gates just opened for alot more of this. Is the forest next? Thanks to the "Bill Townsends" of the world for being our soldiers in these fights. I think we better all start paying attention to the issues.
Sir, I bow to you, as that is spot on. A man that knows what he!! he is talking about, nice to see. The #'s have come from exactly what you stated above. They reviewed the last three years and took that "average" of those three years and cut that by a certain %. Thanks for the read...........