Yamaha Mountain Viper done very nice & taken care of.
****** SOLD *******
Worth Looking a bit closer- Turned into great sled by dumping way to much money into it
- Selling to you for a deal.
- Just don't need this sled anymore now that I got the watercraft running great.
- I've ridden with lots of snowest members with this sled and most of them commented that "the viper just plain works"
- Handles really nice and light - very easy to throw around
- $3600
Started life as 2003 Viper 700- MPI tunnel with drop and roll
- BOSS highrise seat
- M Series skidframe
- SLP Pipes (....clutched VERY well)
- ATACC (...and my perfect setup)
- Yamaha APEX bars with riser
- Diamond S hood (I'll throw in the blue lighweight hood also)
- Fabcraft lighweight trailing arms
- Wide Apex skis
- V force
- 153" mavrick track (new last year)
- Engine is fresh.
- I'm sure I'm forgetting something????
I'd from MN and going to Haydays if you wanna chat. Not bringing the sled since its a pain to swap there.
I'd be willing to haul from MN out west somewhere for mid Dec trip (you could ride if you want for a day with me...buy what you break)
If you wanna call I'd be happy to chat, PM me your number.
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