i seem to remeber reading somewhere it is like two fat chicks getting married, go big or go home
don't think it will hurt yami any, they haven't been competitive in the mountain segment for a decade. at least now they have a somewhat current chassis to stuff thier heavy out of date engines in. if they think they will ever survive in the moutain catagory without an 800 class sled they are bound to continue to fail. most peeps don't want to have to buy a sled then add a $5000 turbo to make it worth riding, that market is very small.
as far as ac, i don't see where they are gaining anything from this deal. unless they are planning on keeping the 2 stroke motor, which i have my doubts, they will need a di setup. i think the poor sales of all yami 4 strokes and the 1100t a/c has proven that the mountain segement is not interested in a 500 plus pound, top/nose heavy chassis, a pig is a pig. they can't make the koolaid strong enough anymore for people to believe the weight doesn't matter bs. if they are going to be even considered a mountain sled they will need a sub 500 pound sled with 800 class hp and a well balanced chassis.
what if yami can deliver them a twin cylinder 4 stroke that puts out 160ish hp? n/a or turbo. i think the only way they are ever going to produce a true tree worthy sled is to ditch the 3 cylinder. i could be wrong, but with a twin engine they would eliminate a lot of the balance/weight issues all at once and be able to build a truely competitive sled. something new and innovative, i know this will go against the beat it till its beyond dead yami philosiphy, but maybe a/c can guide them in the right direction. this sled will also need to be competivley priced, no more 600 class sleds that cost more than a 800. this business model has been shown to be an epic failure, lets hope they learn from it.
i guess only time will tell how this all shakes out, nothing new coming until 2015 so we will have a long time to speculate. i just hope they will listen to what thier customers want and let that drive the process. if they build it right it will be a win for everyone. so if anyone in thief river falls or japan is listening and has any ?'s just shoot me a pm, i'll get back to ya'