WRP M-Series Seats
WRP Freestyle Series Seats
While final production costs have not been calculated, the M-Series Freestyle seat has been designed to sell for $475.00 or less.
They will also have an under seat-frame gear bag option with separate compartments designed for your avalanche gear, tools, swag, and lunch. We're looking at offering a "BIG" nitrous bottle and mounting system as an option for that under seat-frame area as well. We're trying to provide a more configurable "seating system".
I personally know there will be days I ride with nothing under seat, and then there will be days I'll want the under seat-frame bag, but most days I'll be toting a 10 lb. nitrous bottle under seat frame.
The "Freestyle Series" seats weigh about the same as the NEW 2010 Arctic Cat M-Series seat (around 9.5 lbs.).
Also, an optional LED tail light assembly to mount to the rear of the seat-frame will be offered.
Production seats are in final assembly and should be available to ship by Monday of next week. Optional bag will be available in the coming weeks, and the optional LED tail light assembly should be available in about a week. Just starting development of a "BIG" nitrous bottle and mounting system option.
Modified 2010 Cat M-Series Seats
This seat is just a concept model and was produced to shed some weight from the OEM design, as well as provide a narrower (more dirt-bike-like feel) as well as a more refined shape (not so hay bale looking), not our description... just one we have heard on more than one occasion.
It was made to be 1" taller than the 2010 M-Series Cat seat and we believe it can be produced for not much more than the OEM Cat version ($319 - $329) vs. $299.
As for density and "too-soft" feel, the real issue we see with the 2010 Cat M-Series seats are inherant in their plastic base design. It's basically a cylinder, or tube that flexes when weight is applied. So, no matter what you do to upper foams density, the plastic base still gives and colapses a bit delivering that too soft feel.
For me, at 255 lbs. it delivered a trampoline-like effect when pounding the whoops. Don't quite know what to do about the problem, yet? Molding a base like that requires an investment of tens of thousands of dollars ($30K - $80K) in tooling just to build a first base. We're looking at the issue closely and will seek marketable "cost-effective" solutions. We've only had our 2010 Cat seat a couple of weeks.
Salt Lake Snow Show, October 23-24 - Locals, you can see them (sit on them) at the show next week. Come hang with us and share your thoughts and ideas. We're all ears at this point.