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Worthless pos people


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There were about 10 break ins last night here in Aberdeen, SD. Looks like they were all by the same group of people. They broke into places they knew no one would be at, but they probably didnt make much money. They broke into my moms office and only got away with $300 in petty cash and might have been caught on the neighbors video surveillance cameras. They broke the window in the back door out with a bird bath and tried to pry open a basement window. They only made a mess in one office that didnt have any cash so they destroyed a $2000 computer, a stereo, very nice cordless phone, Laser printer/fax/copier/scanner, a leather chair, a family picture, and put a hole in the wall. They also tried to break into a safe in the basement that you can hardly get open when you have the combination that only has titles and legal papers in haha. They didnt take any checks or credit cards that were in the cash boxes or on desks, but they did rip up some checks that were received in the mail in the office that had no cash. We taped a fake $100 bill to the desk in there now so if they come maybe they wont wreck the place again haha. The other places they robbed were places that wouldnt have much or any cash on hand????? They also tried to rob a place that installs video survelliance and more than likely were caught on video there. Right now we are assuming that it was the carnies that robbed these businesses. The Fair just eneded and the carnies got done packing the rides up last night at about 11:00 p.m. A guy i know that runs a food stand at the fair was talking to a couple carnies that said they only got to take home $30 for that whole week at the fair, so they are definetly hurting for money. Its kind of suspicious when they get done tearing down and places start getting broke into? There were a lot of worthless looking losers working there this year too. ! the police just called and said that they now have a couple suspects and the timeframe was last night around midnight when the breakins occured! Hopefully they catch those pos sons of beotches.

I know times are tough for some people right now, but whats the point in trying to screw someone else over for a few hundred bucks? O ya one of the guys also wears a size 11 shoe ha!
Tweakers....I guarantee it! Hope you catch the POS's before they sell the stuff.

I hear ya. Two vehicle break ins for me in a week! Big hand print on the window were the POS looked in, but cops don't care.
Ifr you catch'em HANG EM........:beer;
Ha sounds like a plan to me. Im gonna sit inside with my mini 14 waitin for em next year when the carnies are packin up and give them a little suprise when they break the door down! Ha jk but i would sure love to do that.
I hear ya. Two vehicle break ins for me in a week! Big hand print on the window were the POS looked in, but cops don't care.
Those cops should have their asses kicked for bein lazy piles of chit. How may criminials they want to catch depends on how hard they want to work. The cop was trying to get prints for about 45 minutes here, but didnt come up with anything but smudges.
its really sickening...law enforcement should be LEGISLATED to have a couple of sting operations going every week in these affected area;s...l don;t care about the rights...set them up and flush the turds down...i know it shouldn,t be needed with the employed enforcement ranks...but someone has to rekickstart their butts
Petty burglary investigations???? Why would they bother with something like that when they can be out giving speeding tickets to people who actually work?
especially when they caused thousands worth of damage inside of the places they broke into. I would say that $150 speeding ticket and maybe a parking ticket or two would be more important.
and the sad thing is, if they ever catch those aholes, the dems will protect them, say they deserve rights, won't punish, and will let them go.

build more jails, we're going to need them. someone back said tweakers. sounds about right. lock'em up and toss the key.

don't mean to hijack it into a political deal, it's just that this kind of BS needs to be cleaned out of america. we need to not sit back and watch these dbags do this crap, but full court press them, round them up, and throw away the key....from the new jail we just built.

so frustrating that this junk happens when all a guy is trying to do is live a good life and make a buck or two.
Sorry for your loss, I am convinced, South Dakota's has a thieving problem, worse then surrounding states. It's obviously going to get worse till it gets serious attention. I got hit in Sioux Falls a week and a half ago, been fighting with the insurance company ever since. Great fun!
my wife and I awoke to a burglar in our bedroom. I jumped him and my wife took his bat away. my wife proceeded to beat him back to the third grade. The police arrived to find him hogtied, major head trauma and the bacon he used to bait the dogs stuffed in his mouth. I told him his rights started when the police got there. He spent a week in the hospital and got 8 1/2 year prison. Next one won't be so lucky.

my wife and I awoke to a burglar in our bedroom. I jumped him and my wife took his bat away. my wife proceeded to beat him back to the third grade. The police arrived to find him hogtied, major head trauma and the bacon he used to bait the dogs stuffed in his mouth. I told him his rights started when the police got there. He spent a week in the hospital and got 8 1/2 year prison. Next one won't be so lucky.

Thats absolutly Awesome.....I love it when Shyt goes well. It looks like you fed that priiiick well. May that be a message to all who dare.

Nice work :beer;
my wife and I awoke to a burglar in our bedroom. I jumped him and my wife took his bat away. my wife proceeded to beat him back to the third grade. The police arrived to find him hogtied, major head trauma and the bacon he used to bait the dogs stuffed in his mouth. I told him his rights started when the police got there. He spent a week in the hospital and got 8 1/2 year prison. Next one won't be so lucky.

You sir, are my new hero!!:beer;
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