Winter X Games ?
We need more power sports in the Winter X Games. How about MX bikes on a Snow X or MX track. Mix it up a bit. MX snow bike kits competing would be a Big Draw!
MX is a prime time draw today. How about Hill X with different class's ? The MX bike conversion's would do great ! And maybe bring in the Big 5 motorcycle Co.'s in Team comp's just like Super X. Yes, Super X in the Snow
I know all about Snow X with Sled's. I'm talking about building it up with Super X fan's & Big time Super X Sponsor's + the Big 5 motorcycle Mfg's. Any thought's on the MX bike conversion's & Winter X Games concept ??
We need more power sports in the Winter X Games. How about MX bikes on a Snow X or MX track. Mix it up a bit. MX snow bike kits competing would be a Big Draw!

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