Just cleaning my puter off. Took these pics last year in the Snowies during the spring. Not sure who the guy was, but his RMK made it all the way down and through the boulder field at the bottom unscaved. Thanks for the entertainment whoever you were.
I guess the guy was going up and wasn't going to make it and couldn't turn out. Tried to stick it and slid off the back all the way to the bottom. Sled was still running. Took about 45 minutes to climb down to the thing from the top. You can see the steps they had to build. Got a shelf built and was going to side hill out and get it turned back down and got bucked as he was sidehilling. 2nd trip down the hill without a sled! The thing about that hill is it is deceivingly steep. I haven't seen a camera angle that does it justice. Doesn't look bad from the bottom but once you get about 3/4 of the way into it, its a cow's face. Many sleds come down without riders.
Yeah that hill is a lot steeper in real life than it shows in those pics
But what's cool about it is that on the right side in the middle of winter it's fairly open, so if there's any fresh on it it's easier to turn out of .... I've tried hitting it only a couple of times .... Once with a little fresh the other times in the spring ... the times in the spring I chickened out and barley even got up on it, was like "man this is bumpy and it's only getting steeper" ... so I turned out low ... the one time I tried going up on it I didn't figure my 900 was gonna make it all the way up so I got about 1/2 way up or so and turned out of it ..