Well-known member
So this last weekend, Riding out of Encampment in the Sierras, Our main place to go for the last 10+ years. My buddy has a brand new 09 Doo 800 in the back of his truck and a 2 place enclosed on the hitch. While we were out sledding some AZZ hole gets in the back of his truck and un bolts the hood!!!
Are you flipping kidding me!!!??? Who ever did this is an absolute piece of sh!t! Why do you have to steal??? I can't even recall how many times myself and or my group have helped people from parts, gas oil, duct tape, skis off our spare sleds, to rescue??? I just don't understand.. We all live here We have a house in Encampment!!! It just goes to show you that the little pri*ks don't care what your license plate says.. So if any one may have seen this or see that your buddy has a new hood. Tell him that he is an AZZ HOLE and get a new friend...
AND TO THE THIEVES yes we are in Encampment a lot!! If we see you we will take you for a little ride to the deep forest!!