I haven't been on here for a long while.
Sure will try to help out as health issues allow.
Closed the shop on a temp basis. Celiac took me down. August of '10 a section of cancerous polyps were found and removed from my colon. I continue to fight serious colon issues in the transverse section. Cancerous tipped polyps have not returned since last removal. Have not been out of the house other than doctor visits since September. Fighting internal swelling and bleeding.
They packed my shop, most of my shop equiptment and 70 plus units which people still want me to repair into a warehouse unit. Remainder of shop invetory tools etc are packed in my gooseneck trailer and garage.
As time permits, Wanda and I will attempt to set up a temporary bay in my garage. I need to work when I can there in an attempt to relieve medical financial burdens this has left us with.
As health improves we will reopen the shop
I wish you all well... thanks
~ Gimpster ~