thinking about using the 046's this year on my 1000. anyone else doing this? downsides? opitions?
i bought my 09 in march and rode it for 400 miles. i went through one belt which isn't bad but next season i'll be running in the whole season and undoubtily will destroy some belts so for the cost difference, i'm thinkin about using the 046. i have the adjustable cutlers weights so i can add a little weight for the difference in belt.
only motor mod is a can
i bought my 09 in march and rode it for 400 miles. i went through one belt which isn't bad but next season i'll be running in the whole season and undoubtily will destroy some belts so for the cost difference, i'm thinkin about using the 046. i have the adjustable cutlers weights so i can add a little weight for the difference in belt.
only motor mod is a can