you need a stud gun(some tool rental places rent them),you can buy one, right now here, a gun that will shoot #17 studs(about as long as you will see in any tire other then maybe a set of 35+ mud tires), they are 750.00. you will also need a high speed drill(mine turns 25000 rpm) the idea is the bit burns a hole into the tire vrs a slow speed drill which rips a jagged hole...basically you need a tire made for winter use, with out much for sipes, then you drill holes for the studs, over 300 is pretty good, over 500 is really good, over 600 will make hotmopped ice rink driving is hard work...I can normally stud a 650 stud per tire set up in about 8 hrs.... a box of studs(1000 per box) runs from 55a box for #12's to about 85 a box for #16's(studs are measured in 32nds of an inch so a # 12 is 12/32nds of an inch, 16's are 16/32nds.....longer studs stay in better, on most pickup tires I will shoot 16's on the first 2 inches on each side with 15's thru the centers(the studs have to be at least 1/32nd off the cords , and since the cords are rounded you have shorter studs thru the middle)although alot of tires will take same studs all across..if you hunt around you can find shops that will custom stud your tires, normal price for a set with 500+ should run about 100 per tire..its a big investment, but if it saves you from 1 accident..its priceless..especially when you have total vehicle control on the nastiest roads....