So my son has a lynx boondocker DS 4100 and its the most predictable sled and easiest handling sled by far i have ever rode. (i have not rode anything but ski doo). so i ordered a 24 shredder Re turbo and it handles nothing like the boondocker does. my 24 freeride turbo is easier to ride than this shredder i have. so i am wondering is it the stiffer shock package on the RE the issue? or is it because its a 154? and all the rest of our sleds are 165'S? or is it the way the RE is set up suspension wise? we will be upgrading his boondocker this year to possiably a shedder ds 4100 but looking for feed back from anyone else who has owned both. may also look for a super low mile boondocker ds 4100 too as an option