oops I have forgotten my original user name from years ago before I got a 4 stroke sled so I have reregistered.
Starting with the original event up to current as to what transpired on TY, sometimes there is more to the story than meets the eye.
Need for Speed 2 Feb 19th 5:34PM posted on TY:
The man (Simons) calls me yesterday late day to tell me what I can post here on TY. Wow I have stewed all night over this period. Here goes if I get banned from this sight so be it ,it does not need me.I purchased a Simons kit requesting the Jannetty upgraded headerand the 2560. After install it would not perform its a dog . I put 22miles on it and the manifold cracked. Called Simons he tells me there is nothing he can do for I chose the upgraded header myself.He suggests I call Ted and seee if Ted will refund his money to Simons so I can get a refund. To make this short Ted is willing to take the manifold back and try and update it wich was OK at first but now these calls from Simons and this crap I have taken from him has me hopping mad.The kit is coming off and I am pursuing a total refunde from my credit card company for there were parts missing and the turbo passes oil like crazy because Simons did not put a restrictor in the oil feed line. Yes I know Simons has done great things but he never did great things for me. Also another minor issue was charging my card 3weeks before he sent the kit out. He refuses to give me a refund even a partial refund he refused so we will see where the dice roll on this . Sorry Matt after the second call from Simons last night telling me what I can do on this sight thats enough for me. Maybe we should call this sight Totally Simons instead if he can get away with this crap. Thanks for the info guys I have learned over the years and happy boosting I am done here I am sure of that.
Frankly we were blindsided by the post so we took it off the main pages to take a look at it. Never any intention to ban him, but we saw problems with the post.
1. Everybody is supposedly at fault except for Need for Speed 2 (Kevin)
2. What Simons said is unclear as Simons wouldn't know what can or can't be posted and would have absolutely no right to tell anybody what to post.
3. We didn't feel it would help Need for Speed (Kevin) as a post like this alienates everybody and certainly does not pave the way for a refund.
4. We know that a refund was under discussion and had cooler heads prevailed, I think it may have gone that way.
5. Need for Speed ordered a 'cafeteria' turbo kit from Simons, he wanted the Janetty Manifold and the 2560 turbo. So if it didn't work it is hard to point the finger at either/both of the suppliers as completely to blame. Granted we would feel that any damaged or defective parts should be replaced, but we have no control over this and we cant dictate how people should run their business's. Furthermore he was running Powderlites head shim and cam timing which CPR says WILL NOT WORK WITH HIS KIT.
Moderator BlueByYou2000 thought it would be best to get on the phone and he spent over 10 hours on the phone the last 2 days trying to solve the problems regardless of replacement parts, refund or whatever.
In the meantime, not wanting to wait to see what could be worked out, Need for Speed 2 placed a classified "Jannetty Manifold $50, has a crack in it" .Why in the hell would he place an ad like that when if this would simmer down just a little, a reasonable solution to all parties was still an option? This would be a $1000 loss biting off his own nose to spite his face.
TY would not have any problem with Need for Speed posting that he got a CPR turbo kit and specified a 2560 turbo and Janetty manifold and that the combination didn't make much power and the manifold cracked, but no, everybody is the bad guy except for Need for Speed 2. Further we have seen an unreasonableness that has really hurt everybody that tried to help him, and hurt his options for a satisfactory solution.
Our thinking is he does not want a reasonable solution, he wants blood. As a result he is not welcome at TY for the time being.
Since 2003 when the RX-1 came out, every header builder has had cracking issues. The dozens of problem purchases before this one have seemed to get worked out. Why not this situation? If you are on a rant and you are going to post things like Terd instead of Ted, how does this bring people together to get the problem solved?
So Tuesday TY was supposedly protecting Simons, on Thursday TY is supposedly protecting Jannetty, oh wait .....Thursday TY protected Need for Speed 2 by not allowing this to be posted
Ted Jannetty wrote:
I don't know the story but I do know needforspeed2.
I have known him for 3 years now and have given him about 2 months of my life in answering his phone calls listening to the constant complaining about this ones product and that ones product and that ones product and how they should run they're business Yada yada yada
Answering literally thousands of tech questions without hesitation.
So it just depends who is on his Praise list or MF list Today.
Anyone can do a search and see that he contradicts himself constantly.
Flavor of the week if you will.
He ordered and cancelled an MPI supercharger kit from me last year 3 times, then ordered and cancelled a CPR turbo from me 3 times this year then went around me and ordered a custom one off turbo kit from CPR then proceeded to F up the installation then when he is not happy blames everyone involved but himself.
After all MAYBE IT IS HIM! Not the manufactueres.
Anyway, if nothing else I hope it is interesting reading.
