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Who has damaged the tunnel on their RAW Chasis RMK (2007 - 2010)?


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If anyone has damaged, bent, wrecked or 'wrinkled' the tunnel on your 2007 - 2010 RMK...

Please post up some pix of the damage.

I flexed the back half of my 08 D-8 the first winter eric, I dont have any pics of the damage, but I had a 2.5 right behind the seat as well as 2 tunnel bags behind it(rear one had a first aid kit and a spare belt in it, frt one had a small bag of tools and plugs, weights and darts in it(no more then 4-5 pds) as well as some snacks and 2 bottled waters) came off a pretty good sized climb headed down hill on the pipe, hit the valley floor and launched off a 4*6 ft boulder buried under the snow,caught about 8 ft of air when I landed it flexed the back of the tunnel down about 3 inches....so I straightened it out and added the 3/16 in. braces shown....hasnt moved since(and I do pull loaded sleds quite a bit(with as much as 60 gallons of fuel,cooler of food and drink and anything else needed for a weekend at the cabin 50 miles from the road)

I am very interested in the back half tunnel setup but it has to be strong enough to hold up to pull sleds for me to do it..just a fact of life when I go to the cabin...nothing for us to drag sleds powder riding all winter out there , and its pretty easy to do 150 to 200 miles a day in deep untouched....


All be the first. It made me want to puke. It bent both side of the tunnel .Thank god for insurance.




With only 21 miles on the odo it got parked like this. Like previously mentioned, thank god for insurance!
Whittaker... Any TUNNEL damage?

Nice parking job my friend... we must have gone to the same driving school.
mine did this... i only rode it to church on sundays too;)

moral is do not wheelie over backwards, it hurts and will ruin your tunnel
Here is mine, end of the first winter I had it. Landed wrong off a small jump, on to a rock right under where the left side torque arm mounts in the tunnel.

Tunnel replacement 012 (Large).jpg Tunnel replacement 013 (Large).jpg
Mine had a pair of holes on both sides of the tunnel.

Filled them in with F-Bombs Better Boards.

Looks like there haven't been many damaged RAW tunnels in three seasons of riding...Good to see!

I had the tunnel,rails spindles & rear bumper all powder coated. Traded the factory white hood for the black.
Do these tunnels bend easy? Is it common?

Not in my opinion. In fact I rolled mine end over end and ended up lawn dart style upside down facing back uphill with the tunnel buried in. Jacked me up real good, but no damage to the sled. The only weak spot on them is the well documented front end. Buy a bumper and ride the crap out of it, that's what I do!
mine did this... i only rode it to church on sundays too;)
moral is do not wheelie over backwards, it hurts and will ruin your tunnel

Moral of the story is, it looks like your better off dealing with the ice and show build up and running fish bones as apposed to better boards that compromise your tunnels structural integrity.
I have a small ripple in front of the drop down bracket rivits on the right side only. I can almost bet it happened while in the shop,,it looks like a forklift blade pushed it. It is very subtle and I do not have a pic.
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