I only ask this question because I am building an Evo turbo one and when I post pics where would they go? I propose that a moderator changes the 1100 section to 4 stroke title like the Yami section has.
I guess I'll also post in the Yami section, but I can already hear the clutch heckling comments haha. I run 911 covers and billet spiders with Team secondaries already so I think I'll be alright. I've never had issues with that combo on my 1100's at 310+ so I think we're good.
I guess I'll also post in the Yami section, but I can already hear the clutch heckling comments haha. I run 911 covers and billet spiders with Team secondaries already so I think I'll be alright. I've never had issues with that combo on my 1100's at 310+ so I think we're good.