Back in 1989 there was this PC game called "Wing Commander" ...
It was a space-combat flight simulator game, IE, Top Gun in outer space.
When you first loaded up the game to play it, it asked you to enter in your last name and callsign.
Well, just like every other kid back in the 80's who made their parents take them to see Top Gun 37 times in the theatre, as soon as you saw you had to enter in the callsign your first thought was "Maverick" ..
But, being the bastion of creativity and originality that I am, I realized that every other kid in the country was going to make Maverick their callsign for this game ...
So, thinking back to Top Gun, I remembered when the old bald dude was chewing Maverick and Goose's asses, he called them Dogmeat.
So, for some reason, this became my callsign and basically I've been going by "Dogmeat" on everything from oldschool BBS systems to video games to IRC and everything else in between for the last 20 years now hahahahah.