C chumbilly1 Well-known member Lifetime Membership Feb 9, 2012 #1 Why hasnt MH posted the latest pro news? I dont facebook so i need you guys to link it up!
RMK-King Super-Moderator Feb 9, 2012 #2 Nothing new today, we might have seen all of the new updates. The entire sled will be revealed tomorrow at 9am central time. Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
Nothing new today, we might have seen all of the new updates. The entire sled will be revealed tomorrow at 9am central time.
winter brew Premium Member Lifetime Membership Feb 9, 2012 #3 Something to get you by until tomorrow.....
A Aussie Niko Well-known member Feb 10, 2012 #5 winter brew said: Something to get you by until tomorrow..... Click to expand... Mother of all gods what is that ??
winter brew said: Something to get you by until tomorrow..... Click to expand... Mother of all gods what is that ??
F fredw Free Member Feb 10, 2012 #6 all this hype over running boards and a belt drive, and they leave that pus of a motor in another year, come on poo get with the rest... sounds like a nice sled for my daughter tho
all this hype over running boards and a belt drive, and they leave that pus of a motor in another year, come on poo get with the rest... sounds like a nice sled for my daughter tho
rmk727 Well-known member Lifetime Membership Feb 10, 2012 #7 Ridealaska you sound way to much like Glen Beck, just be sure and tune in tomarrow for the news I could tell you today
Ridealaska you sound way to much like Glen Beck, just be sure and tune in tomarrow for the news I could tell you today