I've played with quite a few and the Pieps DSP is very simple to use, gives you fast accurate direction with distance, and very good range (basically, one of the best available). Many are very easy to use while you are sitting in your chair playing with them, but when your buddy is buried, your mind will not work the same. The thing about the trackers, is that switching to search uses a button that you need to hold down for two seconds and then it displays two letters that indicate search. The Pieps has a switch that locks into search and you know it's in the search mode, not wondering if you held the button long enough or what the two letters mean. Keep in mind, you're going to be in a panic and what ever you're suppose to know about your tools may not be as easy remember. May cost a bit more (350), but when all things are considered, I feel they are worth the money. But also keep in mind, anything is better than nothing. Buy what you can and don't go without.