If you change your weights when you change your spring you don't need the tool mentioned to change your weights. And yes just remove the 6 outer bolts evenly, easiest to remove 3 completely then other 3 evenly till it pops, you can actually hold the pressure with one hand and spin them out pretty fast once you get them all almost out. You then need an allen wrench and a socket to remove the pin that holds the arm, buy a cheap socket and grind/bevel one side to fit over the nut and a t-handle allen works great to spin out the pin. With clutch installed and spring in you can pry sheave open with a flat blade screwdriver, then insert a wrench and pry the rest of the way and insert a 1/2" socket or block or whatever you desire to hold it open and replace weights while on the trail without taking off outer cover. Just be sure that you have spring compressed enough that there is enough room to remove arm. Sounds like a lot but once you do it for the first time it will all make sense and is pretty sraight forward