I searched and searched, but had no luck. I'm sure this has been posted before
What is the optimum RPM for my clutch to be engaging at on a 2007 Rev 800r 151.
I just finished doing a few changes to my clutch as per suggested to me . It seems I'm engaging at a much Higher RPM then I did before, around 4k or so. I don't recall what I was engaging at before, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that high, it really grabs and lurches forward, while before it was a smoother engagement.
Is this what I should expect with an aftermarket clutch kit? I've never ridden one before.
The only thing I still need to adjust is to put lighter pin weights in, right now I'm running 13.8s when It was recommended I use 10.5-11's for my current clutching setup.
Current Setup -
415 Ramps
13.8 Pin Weights
Yellow / Almond, 160/320 Spring
Clicker #4
Secondary Setup
Team Tied Secondary
66-60.36 / 66-62.33 Helix
Black and Red Spring
What is the optimum RPM for my clutch to be engaging at on a 2007 Rev 800r 151.
I just finished doing a few changes to my clutch as per suggested to me . It seems I'm engaging at a much Higher RPM then I did before, around 4k or so. I don't recall what I was engaging at before, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that high, it really grabs and lurches forward, while before it was a smoother engagement.
Is this what I should expect with an aftermarket clutch kit? I've never ridden one before.
The only thing I still need to adjust is to put lighter pin weights in, right now I'm running 13.8s when It was recommended I use 10.5-11's for my current clutching setup.
Current Setup -
415 Ramps
13.8 Pin Weights
Yellow / Almond, 160/320 Spring
Clicker #4
Secondary Setup
Team Tied Secondary
66-60.36 / 66-62.33 Helix
Black and Red Spring