this is what happened to my boy 2 yrs ago he was 5 then. i got a new champion auotmatic trap thrower. so were down in the gravel pit shooting and he has the foot lever in his hand throwing the clays for me and he is to my right behind me. I stop and reload and he says dad i want to stand on the other side, so he runs out about 15' out in front of the trap throw and he presses the button as he is running and the clay hits in the back of the head and explodes. three minutes before that he took of his stocking cap so his ear muffs would fit better. he startes screaming instantly which is a good sign he ended up with a 1" gash and a headache. It could of ended alot differrent and i think about it all the time. I really got a good azz chewing from the wife Too. be safe