PTO oiler is still there.
Although the PTO bearing is hosed, and acting like it wasn't getting any lubrication.
Also, the crankshaft at the site of the rod bearing on the PTO side is blue from heat.
I did not drill the pistons myself. They are part number # 2460M08500, and are designed to be used with a durability kit. They are my favorite pistons so far. I've had a set of RK Teks, BMP's (Wosners) and the Wisecos you see here. These are nice pistons.
The original pistons were wiped out by snow ingestion. Not detonation.
The reason the piston looks like it was experiencing heavy detonation is due to the rod bearing passing through the cylinder as it came apart.
All I can do is speculate as to why it went down.
My theory is the PTO side lost lubrication at some point.
Like I said it was making a whirring noise the last few rides, and was still running like a raped ape.
Parts for repair will be here this weekend. Should be riding on Sunday if everything goes as planned.
All clean and ready to go back together.