My sons trumpet had one of it's brackets come off. It looks like a simple solder/ I just dont know what kind of solder to use or how to do it without discoloring it. Any suggestions? I know some of you are pretty handy so I bet someone might know what to do.
Sako- usually they are silver soldered on during the building process before final buffing and laquering. If your boy is a beginner and his horn is not an expensive model you might want to attempt it yourself or take it to a music shop and they can have it repaired. I've been blowing horns for 53 yrs. and own 11,major repairs i've sent back to manufacturer or good repair shop. There are some good vids. on youtube about trumpet building and repairing,just enter trumpets and you'll get alot of good stuff to come up. Here's to hoping your son sticks with it.