I was riding my 1994 yamaha vmax 600, and I got off to help my girlfriend turn around on her sled, and i noticed well mine was sitting there it was making a pretty loud squeal, when i pressed the throttle down it seemed to stop and it ran fine, I headed straight back but I stopped once on the way and it was making the squeal again well idling, but made it all the way back to my cabin no problem. Once I got back it still squealed, So i opened the hood up and it seemed like it was coming from the water pump, I had no problems like overheating or anything. I turn it on to run it up onto the trailer and it didnt make any noises well it sat that time but my dad is convinced the water pump is about to go, any suggestions or is that something that doesnt seem like to big of a deal? any input would be appreciated, thank you.