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We lost a SnoWest Member last night: Moderator Marty Glodowsky (Marty UT)


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Stolen from a post on FaceBook Page by @Missy

It is with a HUGE HEAVY heart I share this news ?? My good friend and our snowmobiling buddy has passed away last night. I just got a call from Marty's neighbor. I wish we would have went on that trip this winter. I will miss you so much Marty Glodowski ??? my heart goes out especially to his fabulous mother Sherrie Bennion Glodowski who has lost more in the past few years than anyone should!

I for one will miss my friend Marty.
He was one hell of a good guy and loads of fun to be around.

You will be sorely missed brother..




His neighbor called me this morning to give me the news. I immediately in shock, choked up and didn't even know what to say. I decided to call the neighbor back a few hours later when I had regained my composure. His neighbor said that he had been doing some work in the backyard, carrying buckets of dirt. He saw Marty go into the house, but didn't see him again. Marty's Mom drove down to Marty's house because Marty called her every evening. When he didn't call and she could not get a hold of him she became worried. She asked the neighbor to go inside (neighbor had a key). Neighbor found him collapsed in an unnatural position. He described it as "looked like he had passed out". He was already dead, but the neighbor did CPR until the ambulance arrived. No one knows the cause yet, but Marty did have some heart problems since birth and his father collapsed from a heart attack and died 3 years ago this upcoming Monday.

Marty was a great friend and I will miss him dearly! RIP Marty and we will take that trip to Togwotee (that we should have done this winter) soon my brother! ? ? ?
Thanks for posting that video, Missy. Marty was just a year or so older than me. I only talked with him a couple times in person, plus a few friendly back-and-forths in the chat, but still had a strong sense of a great guy with a real sense of humor. Even not knowing him that well, it cast a shadow over the week thinking about it, and I wish I could have been at the memorial. You always wish things like this would never happen, but we'll remember him, and maybe we need a reminder of how precious life is now and then; I don't know... God willing, we'll all get together in the hereafter for nothing but blue-bird powder days. Godspeed Marty, and as long as I'm riding, I'll throw out a long braap for you now and then.
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