This morning I got a call from my bank to tell me I had a cheque come back NSF.
I went there right away as I had just deposited $7,000 last week but had transferred 2000.00 to my paypal account to get some parts from Free Agent.
On my paypal account my statement shows the 2000.00 but they took it out 3 times.
Yup they pretty much cleaned out my account.
While at the bank I called them and asked wtf and they said that there is a glitch in their system and that they already knew about it but they did not contact me.
They also said they have no idea when I am going to get my money back but they will cover any NSF charges that I incur in the meantime.....
So in order to not have my outstanding bills and cheques I have already wrote not bounce I have had to take money out of my savings account till paypal can give me my money back...I cannot have cheques bounce and wreck my credit rating even if they do pay NSF charges from my bank as they cannot fix a credit rating...
This is just a heads up if you are transferring money from your bank account you had best watch your account.
I still cannot believe they did not contact me as I did this transfer on nov.9th.
Friggin glitches!
I went there right away as I had just deposited $7,000 last week but had transferred 2000.00 to my paypal account to get some parts from Free Agent.
On my paypal account my statement shows the 2000.00 but they took it out 3 times.
Yup they pretty much cleaned out my account.
While at the bank I called them and asked wtf and they said that there is a glitch in their system and that they already knew about it but they did not contact me.
They also said they have no idea when I am going to get my money back but they will cover any NSF charges that I incur in the meantime.....
So in order to not have my outstanding bills and cheques I have already wrote not bounce I have had to take money out of my savings account till paypal can give me my money back...I cannot have cheques bounce and wreck my credit rating even if they do pay NSF charges from my bank as they cannot fix a credit rating...
This is just a heads up if you are transferring money from your bank account you had best watch your account.
I still cannot believe they did not contact me as I did this transfer on nov.9th.
Friggin glitches!