Well-known member
Last night around 11pm my dog was freaking out and wanted to go out side. Figure he had to pee really bad so I let him out like I have done 1000's of times. About 2 min later he was yelping so I opened the door and he ran inside. Since he a is smaller dog I thought he got cold. The rest of the Night (till about 1) when I went to sleep he laid on his bed....not like him. This morning around 5:30 a.m. I woke up to him whimpering so I got down and started to pet him and every time I did he would yelp. That is when I noticed the blood on his bed and fur. On closer inspection I noticed his neck was bleeding as well. Called our vet and the vet came over and took a look . seems he was attacked by a larger animal he has bite marks and giant scratches from his neck to his haunches. Vet said he wouldn't rule out a mnt lion with how close I live to the mountain and with how much deer I have going through my back yard and the warm winter. Dog will be okay but he his beat up fairly bad.
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