Anybody have any advice on a decent set of grip warmers? Im done with the stock BRP grips that last a year and work half the time. I have replaced one or the other on mine several times throughout the years on my 09 XP. It does still have the original aluminum bars that rob a lot of the heat as well. Even on high they on some days just don't cut it. I do really like the semi soft grip of them so whatever I go to would I would be looking for that same sticky feel vrs hard slick. Also haven't had to buy gloves for a couple years so any input there too. For me a glove that's not bulky, fairly thin, yet warm and sticky pads. Thinner the better yet as warm as possible. With the basically no windshield design of the newer sleds it seems even harder to stay warm on cold days everywhere. Ive tried the hand guards in years past and the way I ride the trees they are not an option without replacing them constantly. Thanks guys and gals!