Checking for interest. Looking for an RMK with reverse. Has been my second sled since 2007.
02 800 RMK
151 with extensions to make a 159. Track was bought used and has some lug damage
Holz big wheel kit
Carl's Cycle porting, carb bore and clutching
SLP pipe
Team secondary clutch
Vertical escape seat
SLP SLT ski's
SLP tough boy bearing kit and crank weld
New pistons and rings
19/43 gearing
Vertical escape windshield
Very clean
Red and yellow color scheme
02 800 RMK
151 with extensions to make a 159. Track was bought used and has some lug damage
Holz big wheel kit
Carl's Cycle porting, carb bore and clutching
SLP pipe
Team secondary clutch
Vertical escape seat
SLP SLT ski's
SLP tough boy bearing kit and crank weld
New pistons and rings
19/43 gearing
Vertical escape windshield
Very clean
Red and yellow color scheme