I was out with a group of 4 different couples last Saturday each got there own check. So we all know the standard tip rates but what bothers me is when you know you have gotten marginal service at best if not border line walk out poor and the other peeps in your group still feel obligated to tip 20%. Im like WTF??? I dont mind tipping the norm or above with good service but when confronted with poor service why do people feel obligated to tip the norm? I asked this question to 2 of the couples that frowned at me for leaving a 5% tip when they were dropping the conventional 20%. I asked them if they thought they had good service..they all agreed absolutely not but didnt want to tip any less because....." I know the waiter is only getting like 2.00 and hour so he has to get his wages somewhere" This will never change the service they offer with this attitude. We have become a society of enabelers.
I want to get a server "score card" made up in a business card size that has the top 5 or 6 things that effect a tip on one side and the results on the back. Basically I want to put a value of % deduction for each category with a score of say 1-5 1 being the best 5 the worst. Circle the appropriate # then add all the #'s up and put it through a formula on back that says how much to tip. I scoured the internet this weekend and couldnt find any such thing?? Has anybody seen this?? This would be a good tool to help justify why a waiter gets a 5% tip or why a waiter gets a 30% tip as well.
I want to get a server "score card" made up in a business card size that has the top 5 or 6 things that effect a tip on one side and the results on the back. Basically I want to put a value of % deduction for each category with a score of say 1-5 1 being the best 5 the worst. Circle the appropriate # then add all the #'s up and put it through a formula on back that says how much to tip. I scoured the internet this weekend and couldnt find any such thing?? Has anybody seen this?? This would be a good tool to help justify why a waiter gets a 5% tip or why a waiter gets a 30% tip as well.