A Custom Motor of any kind.
The funny thing about these 1050/1200 WC motors,
Many people want them, and 99% of the time the people just don't want to pay what it takes to get one COMPLETE!! And tested and set-up.
Then there are the Pipes, Most people cannot understand the complexity and cost to build a set that works for their application and RPM range the motor should be run in. THEN!!!! They have to be fit into the chassis without destroying the tuning of them.
Jackazz...........I don't know your story, But answer a few questions for me.
#1 - how much did you pay for your 1200 ???
#2 - How much did you pay for your pipes ??
#3 - Who fit them to the chassis ???????????
#4 - once your project was complete, did you take it back to the engine builder and pay full shop rate to haveit dialed in ?????
A complete 1200 WC is $8000.00 without pipes.
A complete set of unfit pipes are about $1000.00
Expert pipe fitting dependng on chassis style is about $1000.00
Ok thats $10,000.00
And that price is an over the counter hand off.
1 - You have to install it in the sled and make it fit and get the clutches lined up at the very minimum.
Then after all that, its your job to ----
2 - get the timing set right
3 - Clutches set-up
4 - and the carbs tuned.
( 5 ) - And most important, after its all complete..... did you take it back to the engine builder and pay him full shop rate to do a final dial in ???
If you yourself did any of the last 4 steps to your sled.... Did you also do step ( 5 )
Step ( 5 ) cost - If everythng you did was close to perfect your sled will need about $1000.00 worth of tuning by someone that knows what they are doing.
So if my math iscorrect -
Motor ----- $8000.00
Pipes ------$2000.00
Final tune- $1000.00
Total _____$11,000.00 absolute bare minimum.
Jackazz..........If you have paid 1 cent under $11,000.00 for your motor & Pipes ONLY to Brad then you have not paid what it costs to get it done complete.
If the crankshaft went around in a circle and the pistons went up and down and everything fit properly........... THEN YOU GOT WHAT YOU YOU BOUGHT PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
And If you paid 1 cent under $11,000.00 then all your problems are your own to sort out.
The bottom line.........Without trying to sound to bitter, Once you make a gesture to short cut the budget of what it costs to build a WC 1200 all the problems that come along the way are yours to fight thru on your own.
I don't blame anyone for trying to build one cheap, But if you make this choice be ready for a
sh!t load of problems. And its very possible you will have a 1200 that never reaches its full power potential because you didn't pay what it truely takes to get the max power out of your package.
Most people under estimate the cost and the complexity to bring one of these monsters to full power.
Jackazz..........I Have come to know Brad well enough to know you are rowing your boat with 1 paddle, and if you sense you are traveling in a circular motion you might have forgot something on top your lugage rack.
Think before you post.