Anyone have a voltage regulator go bad on their new sled, and if so what were the symptoms?
My sled, for the last few weeks, will not run at wide open throttle. It just bogs out when you push the throttle to the bars. It seems to run fine up to half or three quarters throttle. I have changed plugs, fuel filter, traced wires and connections, changed out fuel resistor, checked throttle free play, etc. nothing seemed to make a difference.
This last weekend, while trying different things to make it run, I noticed that my display (tach, speedo etc) would go blank periodically, then my sled would die periodically. You had to let the sled sit for a few minutes before it would re-start again. My dealer tech says he sees no codes on the digital wrench (at least before this weekend, just dropped the sled back off on Monday).
Kinda at wits end, love this sled and there is still good riding to be had, but this last month has sucked. had to borrow a sled on Sunday because I did not trust mine to get me out.
Looking for ideas, and I have been thinking maybe it's the voltage regulator or possibly a bad ECU.
Hope somebody can chime in with an idea. Thanks!
My sled, for the last few weeks, will not run at wide open throttle. It just bogs out when you push the throttle to the bars. It seems to run fine up to half or three quarters throttle. I have changed plugs, fuel filter, traced wires and connections, changed out fuel resistor, checked throttle free play, etc. nothing seemed to make a difference.
This last weekend, while trying different things to make it run, I noticed that my display (tach, speedo etc) would go blank periodically, then my sled would die periodically. You had to let the sled sit for a few minutes before it would re-start again. My dealer tech says he sees no codes on the digital wrench (at least before this weekend, just dropped the sled back off on Monday).
Kinda at wits end, love this sled and there is still good riding to be had, but this last month has sucked. had to borrow a sled on Sunday because I did not trust mine to get me out.
Looking for ideas, and I have been thinking maybe it's the voltage regulator or possibly a bad ECU.
Hope somebody can chime in with an idea. Thanks!