Hawaii Statute #338 also allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian COLBs. (I looked it up.)
A lot of Republicans in congress actually believe this is a conspiracy theory. It made me want to vomit when I read many of their dismissals for really lame reasons a couple of months ago. Typical. I'm pretty fed up with the Republicans' disconnect from reality. I feel like I have no party affiliation anymore and it pisses me off that they think we need to move more center. They are SO out of touch.
This morning I sent a letter to Jay Sekulow at American Center for Law and Justice because they also had discussed eligibility pre- and post-inaugeration and decided it wasn't an issue.
I asked him in light of all the evidence that has been FOIA'd to the contrary if they would re-visit it. I also asked him why none of the people we trust have come out and debunked it and reassured the hundreds of thousands who have signed petitions who are following it.
Why hasn't someone we trust to tell the truth said "We've checked into all the FOIA'd info showing proof of extreme corruption and all the indisputable facts in this case and have come to the conclusion that everything is fine and we believe Barry Soetoro is eligible for the presidency."
The other day in the Arizona Sentinel there was an article about this and it was scrubbed in a day because "we can't verify what was in the article, so we'll research it and repost it if it's true." Yeah right.
Funny that the narcissistic personality disorder came up yesterday where there is a bunch of guys including psychologists and psychiatrists and MDs weighing in on BHO's behavior. There's a magazine I've never gotten before that I ordered one issue only of called Whistleblower that will have all of these guys' articles.
Some of the articles.
# "Psychobamanalysis" by Brian Russell, Ph.D., in which the well-known psychologist explains how Barack Obama thinks
# "Barack Obama: Narcissist or merely narcissistic?" by Sam Vaknin, Ph.D., a comprehensive expert look at how the president’s behavior matches many markers of the troubling disorder
# "New study: Narcissists crave power"
# "Farrakhan on Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking'" by Bob Unruh, on why the anti-Semitic Black Muslim leader says, "Barack has captured the youth" and will bring about "universal change"
# "Youth movements are bad news" by Dennis Prager, who explains why Obama's powerful appeal to young people does not bode well
# "Understanding Obama's cult of personality" by Ali Sina, in which the Iranian ex-Muslim author recalls similar widespread public ecstasy over the charismatic Ayatollah Khomeini
# "'Disturbed personalities' leading America today" by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D., in which the veteran forensic psychiatrist explains the psychodynamics of today's radical liberal mind
# "The Obama Doctrine: 'Don't blame me'" by Ben Shapiro, on the dangers of a president being obsessed with his own greatness
# "Oratory – or hypnotic induction?" Some analysts claim Obama's eloquence is augmented by hypnosis techniques
# "The strange roots of political correctness" by Reb Bradley, who explains how raising coddled, narcissistic kids leads naturally to PC madness