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very disappointed in you arctic cat guys

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Wyo you would bitch about 99$

stop right there grasshopper...Wyoboy has raised expectations on a sled with 4 years of testing behind it..and the sled failed his expectations and he just states them in the manner he does..like it or not..

What i want you to consider is...is it possible that have you lowered your expectations of your sled to be as happy as you say you are with it..??

all you fella;s have great contributions to this forum...Wyoboy has contributed many trouble shooting idea;s on many subjects as have you..

i love ya both...lol..
I for one enjoy Geo, Wyo, Bcil, Catr, Whiterad, Aksnopro, M8magic And many others opinions. I think they offer a lot to the forum... If any of these guys want to complain, I'm all ears because they are normally working on a fix and are willing to share it. Are any of you? I don't have the time to figure out fixes for my 2 ton tuna boat. My real job keeps me tied up, so I get on here to look for the bitch threads to fix my no sidehilling tree magnet. I try to offer advice or help when I have some, if not I keep my trap shut.

Jez you guys take this interwebby to seriously.

Let er rip boys Im all ears...
Own 2 m series, one with mech reverse. left or right dont make a difference...

Well excuse me MR. Phenomenal, trust I'm not the only one who thought the M was a bitch to sidehill on it's right side!

Sent from my super duper sweet iPhone using Tapatalk when I should be doing something productive!
seriously I do not see the problem with sidehilling left or rigth with the old M....
Hey, I can even do downhill sidehill with my 2004 scandic if I want! I's just havier than doing it on my M......
I'm just sitting here wondering if we are just proving the op's point again! Lol

Op - we put the 'fun' in dysFUNctional on this forum. Maybe you are just used to Poo forums or such where they hold hands and stare at each other in awe of their wonderfully underpowered sleda. Lol
Well excuse me MR. Phenomenal, trust I'm not the only one who thought the M was a bitch to sidehill on it's right side!

Sent from my super duper sweet iPhone using Tapatalk when I should be doing something productive!

Hooch, he's saying you've gotten better... no need to take offense!:face-icon-small-hap

Using the 07-08 M as an excuse for not sidehilling to the right is just a crutch though. You got better, skills improved, and now you're confident on the right side, I'd put a shiney quarter as a bet that if you hopped on an M with mech reverse now, you'd kill it on the right, now that you've got the muscle memory dialed & have the confidence that you can do it. It's not the extra 10 lbs from mech reverse that kept you away, it's just training, and now you've got the practice.

Every sled will be harder on the right... the left side weighs more, and the spinning weight of the clutches fight you. (also having a stupid thumb throttle doesn't do you any favors on the right either if you're riding wrong foot forward... finger throttle helps a bunch there)
WOW this is starting to get embarrassing!!!! The thread was "very disappointed in you arctic cat guys" LOL not bitch fest or sidehill fest!! You guys all make great points and it is all rider preferance and comfortability. That is all i have to say and will not be back on this Thread agian!! WOW
I don't think there is a thread out there that ever stays on topic! They also get off topic

Sent from my super duper sweet iPhone using Tapatalk when I should be doing something productive!
Wyo you would bitch about 99$ not being a 100, then bitch about it in every post that anyone likes or talks good about there 99$ there happy with...

Im not discrediting your facts im just sick of your breath in every topic preaching it.

What i am saying is you fixed your issue you had with it, if someone comes in with a problem topic about how there sleds paneling out then....... BAM theres your time to shine my friend!

Till then its not an issue for me and were sick of you raining on our parade challenging people in every topicw!!! Boasting your chest.

My hcr is the sweetest flying sled i have been on to date and ya its frustrating to get on here and have you beating it up in every topic on an issue that nobody but you and a few others are having issues with...

Make a topic on paneling out!!
you can post in it daily about how much it panels out to get your fix...

Oh!!! And you could challenge anyone in there without derailing ever topic!!

Ob and in there you could whine about how your pro rmk buddies out rode you into a bowl and how it was all the sleds fault!



You should listen to the ppl that have $100 and not so much to the 99. I told you it flies Great, love that part, the power is great, Like the track, engine is the best, thats about it. Sometimes you have to hear both sides.
Here is the really DUMB SIDE,, Your B1tch about something In a Thread that is 100% devoted to B!TCHING, really ppl, I only throw it out there when brought up. If where talking about something else I don't talk about it. Maybe if AC would have built a mtn sled that wasn't so easy to pick on with numerous faults. sorry truth hurts
You should listen to the ppl that have $100 and not so much to the 99. I told you it flies Great, love that part, the power is great, Like the track, engine is the best, thats about it. Sometimes you have to hear both sides.
Here is the really DUMB SIDE,, Your B1tch about something In a Thread that is 100% devoted to B!TCHING, really ppl, I only throw it out there when brought up. If where talking about something else I don't talk about it. Maybe if AC would have built a mtn sled that wasn't so easy to pick on with numerous faults. sorry truth hurts

So if they built such a piece of chit....WHY DID YOU BUY ONE?????? You talk how you love the poo so why didn't you get one........your always trying to one up everyone JMO
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So of they built such a piece of chit....WHY DID YOU BUY ONE?????? You talk how you love the poo so why didn't you get one........your always trying to one up everyone JMO

Gone over this before too,
in'12 it was better to mod the PC to beat the pro, in '13 it will be cheaper/easier to put the suzuki in the pro. I bought a motor not a sled.

I already told the OP he will be in heaven so I don't see what the big deal is, its twice the sled the xp is in the backcountry.

To the OP, would you rather fight about something and get results or stick your head in the sand and hope for a future. We choose to fight for results and most of us don't take it personal. Don't take it personal its all fun and games.......... until you blow a belt, lol
Who do you listen too?
I was taught this by a billionaire.
"Listen to those that have what you want and have been where you are!"

Has anyone else been where I am. To my knowledge there isn't another PC that has been narrowed. I'm not bragging about it, It's the facts, so it might be worth considering I know what I'm talking about, hell even if I don't you have no way to prove it. I choose to listen to everyone 99 or 100, but the guy with the most has by far a greater influence.

again, if your going to sidehill a 55* slope there are only a few sleds capable of doing it, the PC is not one of them and this is why I would choose an M over it in stock form, not that its a better sled but because it is better for what I do. If all I need was to sidehill a 35* slop I would get a XM.
I don't take any of it personal and think you and a few others have good ideas and feed back but just hate how you always boast that your better than others and the put downs.....I havent had belt issues on my 12 11t but that might be due to lack of snow or maybe I just don't ride as hard as you!?
I don't take any of it personal and think you and a few others have good ideas and feed back but just hate how you always boast that your better than others and the put downs.....I havent had belt issues on my 12 11t but that might be due to lack of snow or maybe I just don't ride as hard as you!?

Your confusing it, I don't boast, yeah it comes off that way but its more of a I call ppl out. I never said I was better, I said, I want you/someone to show me if I am or prove I'm not, after that we can all learn something no matter who is right, it would bring a huge amount of clarity to the table. Doing that gets to the bottom of things faster, and since I don't get butt hurt about what ppl think it comes off as me being a dick.
There again, if I have to be called names to get results, why wouldn't I.
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So if they built such a piece of chit....WHY DID YOU BUY ONE?????? You talk how you love the poo so why didn't you get one........your always trying to one up everyone JMO


I bought one as did many others on the hopes that there was no friggin way AC would build a sled that wasn't better than the M series in every possible way... I had hopes that it was going to whip the snout out of a Pro Rmk as well. Also we didn't get any sleds to DEMO and I am a loyal Cat guy (9 cats in the last 15 years), so I bought it on good faith...

My sled here in AK isn't worth Squat thanks to the belt fiasco. So even if I wanted to jump ship I can't, because Im not willing to eat 3-3500 bucks plus the purchase of a Pro Rmk. So I will fix it and tweak it to try and make it better but Im not going to be happy about it.

I should change my name to Burned Up!

Burn Down
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