ugh. yes that is very possible. my rad fluid seems to be a tad weird too... almost dirty, could be a head gasket going too. damnit. its a thumper racing 520 big bore kit so rings and gasket isnt all that easy to get. BUT, if it were seriously damaged rings or cylinder walls, wouldnt it do it all the time? mine only seems to do it when run hard, and really really leaks when run super hard. BUT, not every time... so its real weird.
I do notice that my stator cover gets extremely hot, is that a normal thing? odd as its kinda cold out, and has snow shooting at it like 50% of the time. sure dont have problems with the motor icing up thats for sure.
cold starting it is a complete nightmare, but thats due to my battery. once it gets a boost it starts great and runs great and strong all day long. 43 hours on it now. all this winter.