Brace yourself....we'll become just like so many other countries who can't pay the pied piper after ramming legislation through the system on a weekend preferring instead to get it done and deal with the consequences later. But this isn't about the people, it's about Pelosi and Reid and the other 216 Demos on that fatefull sunday night.....
Paul Volcker, White House adviser, said the US should consider this tax to help control the about stop spending you bunch of dumb arses??? Quit bailing out wall street, GM and repeal the GIANT HEALTHCARE
But maybe it won't happen, cause', well...o'BAMA said he would not implement a single tax on the middle class....right?
Paul Volcker, White House adviser, said the US should consider this tax to help control the about stop spending you bunch of dumb arses??? Quit bailing out wall street, GM and repeal the GIANT HEALTHCARE
But maybe it won't happen, cause', well...o'BAMA said he would not implement a single tax on the middle class....right?