From Rush's website from his Wednesday show.
Story #9: Clucking Brilliant! Chicken Feathers as Alternative Fuel
RUSH: Now, let me illustrate for you, ladies and gentlemen, just how silly this alternative energy bonanza really is. I'm holding here a story from the UK. It's from Register Hardware. It's devoted here to alternative energies, and here's the headline: "Chickens Could Power Hydrogen Cars." This is how ridiculous this is. Now, wait, not chickens. Let me read the lead: "A team of university scientists have claimed that the future of automotive hydrogen storage lies in birds, or, to be precise -- chickens. The secret lies in chicken feathers, according to Dr Richard Wool, Professor of chemical engineering at the University of Delaware, and their ability to absorb high amounts of hydrogen when specially treated."
So here we're looking at chicken feathers as a source of alternative fuels. More food taken away from the food supply as corn has been taken away from the food supply. You want to eat a chicken that's been dosed up with hydrogen all over the place just to make sure its feathers soak up? You talk about organic, don't give me organic, say you're going to go out and eat this chicken that's been dosed up and overdosed with hydrogen. Next thing hydrogen is going to be a pollutant after carbon dioxide. Anyway, there's also a little industry working on using chicken litter as a source of energy. That's clucking brilliant, is it not? Clucking brilliant, this is where we are headed, folks. This is the stuff that we're going to spend gazillions and gazillions of dollars on.
Story #9: Clucking Brilliant! Chicken Feathers as Alternative Fuel
RUSH: Now, let me illustrate for you, ladies and gentlemen, just how silly this alternative energy bonanza really is. I'm holding here a story from the UK. It's from Register Hardware. It's devoted here to alternative energies, and here's the headline: "Chickens Could Power Hydrogen Cars." This is how ridiculous this is. Now, wait, not chickens. Let me read the lead: "A team of university scientists have claimed that the future of automotive hydrogen storage lies in birds, or, to be precise -- chickens. The secret lies in chicken feathers, according to Dr Richard Wool, Professor of chemical engineering at the University of Delaware, and their ability to absorb high amounts of hydrogen when specially treated."
So here we're looking at chicken feathers as a source of alternative fuels. More food taken away from the food supply as corn has been taken away from the food supply. You want to eat a chicken that's been dosed up with hydrogen all over the place just to make sure its feathers soak up? You talk about organic, don't give me organic, say you're going to go out and eat this chicken that's been dosed up and overdosed with hydrogen. Next thing hydrogen is going to be a pollutant after carbon dioxide. Anyway, there's also a little industry working on using chicken litter as a source of energy. That's clucking brilliant, is it not? Clucking brilliant, this is where we are headed, folks. This is the stuff that we're going to spend gazillions and gazillions of dollars on.