Man I couldn't wait to see Leben eat Bisping's lunch and knock him out
But dang, Bisping looked better than ever, didn't get amped up and forget his game plan, found his range and Leben couldn't get inside
Bisbing did get the decision...... 30/27 30/27 29/28
I don't think Bisbing won it by that much.... the 29/28 was the best call I.M.O.
I have to say it was the best fight I've seen both of them in!!! Bisbing has been looking good the last two fights BUT Lebin put on the best show I've seen him put up yet!!! He's looking good!!! There wasn't one shot Bisbing gave him that even phased Lebin!!!!
Lebin is one tough S.O.B. and finally growing up a bit and showing some class!!! I think he finnaly earned some respect in that one!!!