I've got an 09 1000 short track, same idea.
The only differences that I have with tsnowak are in the belt dept.
You're backwards on the 046 being softer, it's the other way around. The 060 is a grippier compound which grabs better & produces less heat, the better grip is what causes the decrease in RPM.
I 100% disagree on the stock cat belt, I get around 3-4 times the life out of the carlisle belts (XS belt, same as the 060) & when they DO go, it costs you $15 including shipping to get a new one. The carlisles tend to hold up better to cycling a booter over & over, and they tend to hold together & go more gradually. When the cat belt explodes in the middle of a hit, losing control of your track & losing track speed for landing is REALLY bad, this has never happened to me with a carlisle belt.
The adjustable post is a loser if you're giving the sled a beating, I've been through 3 this year. Check on here about details on welding them to get them to last.
Another issue that will come up if you land in the flats from time to time, the bulkhead is weak where the post mounts to it. Unfortunately this is not a simple fix, I have a 3/16 plate welded to mine & have had no issues since that was done. My last 3 M's all cracked there, so did my wife's M8, this is not an uncommon thing for jumpers. When I was at Burandt's last year I opened on of his sleds up & his was cracked nearly as bad as mine. I believe BDX was making a part to help the down force exerted on this part of the bulkhead.
My bulkhead broke last year after about 1 month, I had not had a SINGLE crash, just a few hard landings.
I'm not talking about anything stupid here, I was hitting this jump for a few weekends before I noticed the crack, nothing monster, but it gives you the idea, this isn't something that's too unlikely. This is a pretty small hit, but I'm pretty sure it's what did the damage.
Oh yeah, seat. The new M seat is nice, but I worry about it being less forgiving than I would like for a hard landing, I like the older style high rise seat the best for an M, but I honestly haven't laid my hands on the new seat. I was happy with my 09 boss on my cat as well, aside from build quality.
You can pull weight from all over the place, track, motor, simple things like the underhood insulation, side panel insul...
Oil injection delete, lots of other ways. I'd wait to see how the new configuration does with intakes, cans, pipes, etc before pulling the trigger on anything.
Pulling a light & replacing it with mesh helps with venting & weight, top of hood venting is huge. If you pull one, you get the venting & still have a light.