Hey guys I got a 2006 apex boon docker front mount turbo series 25, pure logic fuel box that will not rev past 7k, What should I check? The box seems to be working but I'm not completly sure, air fuel was reading about 13.5 which it needs to be richer but that wouldnt cause that it not rev past 7k? what else should I check? Throttle bodies to the engine? Water in the intercooler? Exhaust manifold from the turbo to engine? Heard of troubles with them? Thanks for any help. I looked at my anti ratchet drivers and it tore them up, stripped them up, and then it seemed like right after it tore those up it would not rev past 7k, any idea? or Past experience with this same type of issue? I have got the drivers replaced with extravert, I still need to put it back together but I want to check eveything that is easy to check right now with it tore apart this far. THANKS