I had the opportunity to use the one at powderlites and I cant say enough good stuff about that box or especially dave, one smart guy!!! I ran it for about 3 hours and it really made my machine come alive. That rb3 tuning box is a must if you are not tuning savy. The rb3 is very complicated and is faster than you think. You can project from boost and from rpms what box you think you should be adjusting and really you should be looking in an oval circle to add or take away fuel. I spent alot of time making maps and playing round with a lap top on the hill with maps and never touched them again after running the tunning bike once! If you are going to use the tuning bike you will need to be prepared to do some clutching and harness the new power you are going to find, you are going to have to ride ALL of the ways, throttle possitions, chutes, drag racing, woods riding, what ever it is you will ever ride at home with that box hooked up to your sled so it can write a perfect map in all throttle positions. You will need to figure out your clutching to get to 11,200 or what ever rmp you want. I had to run 93 gram super tips and a sno pro green at 0-3 just to harness the power at 12-14 lbs. All in all, just do it!! Your permagrin will be worth the effort!!