Here is a very nice sled that we just got done building. It's based off the 1200cc watercraft bottom end with 3 ves 800 cylinders. This thing runs really good and is wicked fast. It turns heads wherever it goes. This has a rear suspension from a 2009 Dragon with zbroz racing shocks. At the moment I have 3 different sets of shocks for the front end..walker evans adjustable...upgraded walker evans with the remote and resiovr, and a set of fox floats. New buyer can have the shocks he wants. This was mainly built by Cpi Racing. They used their new dragon pipes which are amazing. This sled really rips. Feel free to pm for more info or call.
14,000$ obo
435 770 3400.
I am only selling this because I am building a sand rail (with this same 1200cc engine) But now I want to turbo it.
14,000$ obo
435 770 3400.
I am only selling this because I am building a sand rail (with this same 1200cc engine) But now I want to turbo it.