ak, yeah you were who i was talking about in my original post. fyi, i tried the extra oring, didn't work. you can't get the cap screwed on far enough or at all, but if you have better luck let me know.
i also thought the issue was the gauge hitting the inside of the tank so i cut the gauge off the cap. no luck still just as bad. i have the clear one so i don't need the gauge, guess i could try the razor cap but i bet i would still have the same issue. last time out i put a plastic bag over it and then put the cap on. it helped but it still leaked. looked great too, let me tell you. my other issue is i put it on a carbed sled and painted it (left a clear strip down the side). so now there is a hole in the front side for the carb fuel pick up and the black paint, what's left of it, looks like dog poo. so i doubt trail tanks will be real excited about taking it back. i have to get a hold of them first. maybe i'll try an email tomorrow if i don't hear from them today. thanks for the help
oh, with a full mod 797, bored carbs, and twins you can go through 15.5 gallons pretty fast. 60 miles and it was getting pretty skinny. very little deep snow riding on that trip too. did 40 miles last time out, little more powder and only had about 6 gallons left. i have it set up to carry an extra 5 easy and 10 if i really want to get carried away.