Yesterday myself and a couple of friends worked at my shop cutting down a 16" wide track down to a fifteen wide.
I went and bought a new 10"blade with 200 teeth on it.
No matter what we tried the blade would get hot and warp real bad causing the cut to get real ugly.
I am glad I started with the 162 not the 174.
We were spraying WD40 on it,it didn't help other than making it a dirty job.
I ended up just using a small air angle grinder and seem to be having a little better success other than having to cut on the inside and than go around the outside afterwards and cut the paddles...
Is there a easier way?
Has anyone tryed a bandsaw?
Any advice or tips will be appreciated..
I would gladly pay someone to do this job for me....I have two more to cut down today.
I went and bought a new 10"blade with 200 teeth on it.
No matter what we tried the blade would get hot and warp real bad causing the cut to get real ugly.
I am glad I started with the 162 not the 174.
We were spraying WD40 on it,it didn't help other than making it a dirty job.
I ended up just using a small air angle grinder and seem to be having a little better success other than having to cut on the inside and than go around the outside afterwards and cut the paddles...
Is there a easier way?
Has anyone tryed a bandsaw?
Any advice or tips will be appreciated..
I would gladly pay someone to do this job for me....I have two more to cut down today.