I hate buying a sled that the previous owner has no clue about the stuff that was done to it. This guy would just take it to the CAT dealership and have them do stuff and not even know what they did. Anyway, he told me that the drive shaft broke last year and he had a new one put in as well as all the llower bearings etc etc. He also said that cat called him to tell him that a few teeth on the lower(big)gear were missing and that they put a new lower gear on. He said they put a 44 tooth gear on. Well today while looking inside the case I counted the lower gear and its only a 39 tooth!. I was really hoping that it was a 44 tooth for low end torque and climbing, I have no need for above 65-70 mph speeds. I called the dealership and they have the service record for the repair. They confirmed it was a 19/39 gear set up and they also said they put in 10t drivers and brought the track pitch lower so it would attack the snow at a better angle???. The previous owner said the machine pulled like crazy and had awesome low end grunt, a couple buddies that I know that rode the machine before I owned it said that it was a monster. I'm concerned about the gearing now as 85% of my riding involves deep snow and valleys and hills. I'm real tempted to order 20/46 gears and go HYVO, but I've never even ridden the sled, maybe I will like it, everyone else I've talked to said it was a monster to ride as it sits. OPINIONS???